Saturday, July 7, 2007

My Big Backyard

We often have a variety of wildlife that frequents our backyard. Most recently, some deer friends of ours (pardon the pun) have been coming to visit. They always lie down in about the same place, and relax through the heat of the day. They are surprisingly tame and I was able to get quite close for this picture.

We also have a Velociraptor that hangs out in our long grass. I had to put a telephoto lens on the camera to avoid its rows of razor sharp teeth, but I think the shot turned out well.

Of course this is actually my son's toy, but he thinks this is the coolest picture ever and wanted it online. How can I resist the pleas of such a cute kid?


Anonymous said...

The photo of the velociraptor cements the fact that you really are a NERD!

Okay, I can't're not that nerdy because it was a great picture of the mighty velociraptor and I too would stay far away from the razor sharp teeth.


DMo said...

I really liked the velociraptor picture. That opens up some new ideas for some virtual worlds. Does your software let you make cut outs and put them in other pictures? You could have a whole Jurassic Park thing going, starring your family. :-)

That is nice picture of the deer.

Those are nice Cathedral Tree Trail pictures. I like the blurry one of your son--it does give a good affect.

P.S.--To answer your question about the Fireworks pictures...our camera has a night setting which keeps the shutter open quite a long time. You definitely need a tripod for that setting. On our old camera we were able to do similar (not quite as good, though) fireworks shots by forcing the flash not to go off. It tried to compensate by holding the shutter open longer. And thank you for the information about the white balance.

britta said...

sometimes i think i would like a photo blog, but then i see ones like yours and they'd obviously put mine to shame, so i don't even try. it's defeatist, i know, but don't try to argue with me. i appreciate any photo with dinosaurs in it. keep that up. this is britta if you couldn't tell from my username. okay. bye.

J-Dog said...

Deer Friends. That's funny.